Milky oats

Avena sativa
Family: Poaceae

Habitat and cultivation: Open space grass, abundant on west coast. easy to grow: sow in the fall, harvest in the spring.

Parts used and collection: For fresh plant tincture: “milky” (immature) seed. Fore tea:entire arial parts at peak of plump and juicy stage.

Constituents: Starch, Mucopolysaccharides. Protiens-prolamines known as avanines. albumen and gluten. Minerals-calcium and magnesium, phosphates, potassium salts, sodium and silica. Fiber, C-glycosyl flavones. Avenacosides, fixed oil-vitamin E.

Actions: Nervine tonic, Troporestoratives, calmative/stress reducer/ mild stimulant/energy builder, anti depressive, nutritive, vulnerary.

Indications: Nervous exhaustion, insomnia, tension headache, poor tolerance to pain, adrenal weakness, tonic for the emotionally challenged. Angina pectoris-fear of death, anxiety of insomnia, narcolepsy, menopause with sense of pressure in the ovaries, uterus, bladder with nervousness, PMS with jumpiness, poor appetite, hysteria or depression with adrenal exhaustion, nervous headache of menstruation, or from overwork or depression.
Milky oats is the best remedy for “feeding” the nervous system, especially when under stress. Take for weeks-months to rebuild. It is considered a specific in cases of nervous debility and exhaustion when associated with depression. It may be used with most other nerviness, both relaxant and stimulant, to strengthen the whole of the nervous system. It is also used in general debility. Useful in combating addictions, as it raises the mood and restores vital energy. For skin irritation and neuralgia in bath.

Contraindications: Question in gluten intolerance.

Energetics: Sweet, moist, warm. Nutritive tonic for long term building.

System affinity: Nervous

Combines well with: All nerviness and adaptogens. Skullcap and ashwaganda.

Preparations and dosage: Hot infusion or general decoction. 1-3 tbsp herb per cup. Tincture (fresh plant) -1/4- 1tsp TID. Bath- strong dry oat tea or cooked or raw soaked rolled oats in muslin bag in bath

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